Fahnen und Flaggen / Kalender Shop

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Bibliography (codes [pta] to [ptz])

Last modified: 2013-12-02 by antónio martins
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Missing info! (5)
Title: Den svenska flaggan — denna omstridda "tygbit"
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Abby Peterson
Language: Swedish
Source title: Zenit: Nordisk socialistisk tidskrift
Source number (date): 4 (1995)
Source pages: 5-16


Missing info! (3)
Title: The Roman legions recreated in colour photographs
Medium: book
Main author(s): Daniel Peterson
Edition (publisher: place): Europa Militaria: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1992
Catalogue codes: ISBN 1-87200-406-7 = ISBN 978-1-87200-406-8
Pages: 96
Remarks: many colour fotos of reenactment groups showing reconstructed Roman military equipment, including standards


Title: Die römischen Legionen
(in English: The Roman legions)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Daniel Peterson
Edition (publisher: place): Barett Verlag: Solingen (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1994 (1st ed.)
Previous edition: [ptd92]
Catalogue codes: ISBN 3-924753-54-7 = ISBN 978-3-924753-54-2
Pages: 96
Format: 260×185 mm
Remarks: many colour fotos of reenactment groups showing reconstructed Roman military equipment, including standards


Title: Letters to the Editor
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Frederick Patten
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 1974 Mar. (1974.03)
Source pages: 3


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [p8t84]


Missing info! (3)
Title: The Story of our South African Flag
Medium: book
Main author(s): A. C. Partridge
Edition (publisher: place): Purnell and Sons: Kaapstad / Cape Town (South Africa)
Language: English
Edition date: 1966 (1st ed.)


Missing info! (4)
Title: The American Flag
Medium: book
Main author(s): Thomas Parrish
Edition (publisher: place): Simon and Schuster: New York (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1973
Remarks: One of the 38 further reading items recomended in the “School Projects” section of [u9s03].


Unused entry: Please refer to author M. Pallottino.


Obsolete entry! Please refer to [n9o87]


Missing info! (3)
Title: Flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): Steve Pattrick
Edition (publisher: place): Shortland Publications: Auckland (New Zealand)
Languages: English
Edition date: 1997
Pages: 31
Format: 20 cm
Remarks: Col. ill. Listed in [brz00a] as Q87.


Missing info! (2)
Title: Musei Capitolini, guida breve
(in English: Musei Capitolini, short guide)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Carlo Pietrangeli
Edition (publisher: place): de Luca: Roma (Italy)
Language: Italian
Edition date: 1974 (8th ed.)
Pages: 184


Missing info! (6)
Title: Los documentos básicos de la política artiguista
(in English: Basic documents of the artighist policy)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Eugenio Petit Muñoz
Language: Castillian (a.k.a. Spanish)
Source title: Centro de divulgación de prácticas escolares
Source number (date): (1947.08-09)


Title: Про найдавніше коріння Тризуба в Україні | Pro naĭdavnịŝe korịnnâ Trizuba v Ukraị̈nị
(in English: About the Oldest Roots of Trident in Ukraine)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Андрій Портнов | Andrịĭ Portnov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 14 (1997.12)
Source pages: 8


Title: До питання козацької символіки | Do pitannâ kozachkoị̈ simvolịki
(in English: To the Problem of the Cossac`s Symbols)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Андрій Портнов | Andrịĭ Portnov
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 15 (1998.03)
Source pages: 2


Missing info! (3)
Title: Hoisting National Flag at Idgah Maidan
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Ambrose Pinto
Language: English
Source title: Economic and Political Weekly
Source number (date): 30 (1995)
Source pages: 246-247
Remarks: See also this page.


Title: Герб Лоцманської Кам’янки | Gerb Locmanshkoị̈ Kam’ânki
(in English: Arms of Lotsmanska Kamyanka)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Олег Потап | Oleg Potap
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 25 (2001.12)
Source pages: 6


Title: Козацька печатка зі села Любимівка на Херсонщині | Kozachka peĉatka zị sela Lûbimịvka na Qersonxinị
(in English: Cossack Seal from the Village of Lyubymivka in Kherson Region)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Олексій Паталах | Oleksịĭ Patalaq
Language: Ukrainian
Source title: Знак | Znak [znk]
Source number (date): 19 (1999.08)
Source pages: 4-5


Missing info! (2)
Title: The riddle of the ‘labarum’ and the origin of Christian symbols
Medium: book
Main author(s): George Pitt-Rivers
Edition (publisher: place): George Allen & Unwin: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1966 (1st ed.)
Pages: 93


Missing info! (2)
Title: Uhr then undre dehlen opstiger ett halfft swart leijon Något om heraldik i Blekinge
(in English: and from the lower part issues a half black lion: Notes on heraldry in Blekinge)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Stig-Åke Petersson
Language: Swedish
Source title: Blekingeboken 1979
Source number (date): 57 (1979)
Source pages: 16-30
Source edition (publisher: place): Blekinge Musei och Hembygdsförbund: Karlskrona (Sweden)


Missing info! (3)
Title: A Dictionary of Heraldry
Medium: book
Main author(s): A. G. Puttock
Edition (publisher: place): Blaketon Hall: Exeter (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1985
Pages: 256


Unused entry: Please refer to author Pritsch.


Title: Fahnen der Hitler-Jugend, Teil 1
(in English: Flags of the Hitler Youth, part 1)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Karl Peutz
Language: German (High)
Source title: Internationales Militaria-Magazin: Das aktuelle Magazin für Orden, Militaria, Zeitgeschichte [imm]
Source number (date): 63 (1991)
Source pages: 15


Title: Fahnen der Hitler-Jugend, Teil 2: Gaufeldzeichen der Hitler-Jugend
(in English: Flags of the Hitler Youth, part 2: Gau banners of the Hitler Youth)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Karl Peutz
Language: German (High)
Source title: Internationales Militaria-Magazin: Das aktuelle Magazin für Orden, Militaria, Zeitgeschichte [imm]
Source number (date): 64 (1991)
Source pages: 46


Title: Fahnen der Hitler-Jugend, Teil 3: HJ-Gaufahne
(in English: Flags of the Hitler Youth, part 2: Hitler Youth-Gau flag)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Karl Peutz
Language: German (High)
Source title: Internationales Militaria-Magazin: Das aktuelle Magazin für Orden, Militaria, Zeitgeschichte [imm]
Source number (date): 67 (1992)
Source pages: 28

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