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German Air Force 1933-1945

deutsche luftwaffe

Last modified: 2012-09-05 by pete loeser
Keywords: third reich | luftwaffe |
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On this page: See also:

Flag of an Air Force Field Marshal 1941-1945
Rangflagge eines Generalfeldmarschalls der Luftwaffe

[Air Force Field Marshal 1941-1945 (Third Reich, Germany) obverse, sinister hoist]    [Air Force Field Marshal 1941-1945 (Third Reich, Germany) reverse, sinister hoist] 1:1 Images by Jaume Ollé

Obverse: A square light blue flag, at the center a Luftwaffe eagle, at each corner gold crossed batons surrounded by a gold wreath, the border gold decorated by gold swastikas. The reverse switches the position of wreathed batons and eagle (eagles at corners, batons at center). Introduced 1941. Illustrated in Flaggenbuch 1939, pl. VIIa (after 1941), Davis 1975, p. 142 (black and white) and [Roger James] Bender, The Luftwaffe, p. 287.
Norman Martin, January 1998

Flag of the Air Force Chief of Staff 1937-1941
Flagge des Chefs des Generalstabs der Luftwaffe

[Air Force Chief of Staff 1937-1941 (Third Reich, Germany)] 1:1 Image by Jaume Ollé

Like the flag of the Under-Secretary for Air Travel except that the main field is diagonally quartered upper and lower black, left and right white, and the wreath is eliminated. In use 1937-1941. Illustrated in Flaggenbuch 1939, pl. VII, Davis 1975, p. 105 and [Roger James] Bender, The Luftwaffe, p. 289.
Norman Martin, January 1998

Flag of the Chief of an Air Fleet
Flagge des Chefs einer Luftflotte

[Chief of an Air Fleet (Third Reich, Germany)] 1:1 Image by Jaume Ollé

Flag of Commanding Generals of the Air Force
Flagge der Kommandierenden Generale der Luftwaffe

[Commanding Generals of the Air Force (Third Reich, Germany)] 3:5 Image by Jaume Ollé

Car Flag for Commanding Generals of the Air Force
Hoheitszeichen an Kraftfahrwagen für Kommandierenden Generale der Luftwaffe

Image by Jaume Ollé

Flag of Commanders of an Air Sector, of an Air Division, and of Leaders of Naval Air Forces
Flagge des Kommandeurs eines Luftgaues, Kommandeurs eines Fliegerdivision, Führers der Seeluftstreitkräfte

[Commanders of an Air Sector, of an Air Division, Leaders of Naval Air Forces (Third Reich, Germany)]
3:5 Image by Jaume Ollé

Car Pennant for Air Force Generals
Hoheitszeichen am Kraftwagen für Generale der Luftwaffe

[Air Force Generals' Car Pennant (Third Reich, Germany)]
Image by Jaume Ollé   [Please Note: The swastikas in the lower row are mistakenly reversed]

A blue pennant with a gold flying (Luftwaffe-type) eagle carrying a swastika in its talons. On hoist, a thin gold band, on other edges a wide gold fringe, decorated with swastikas. From p. VIIa of Flaggenbuch 1939.
Norman Martin, March 1998

Car Pennant for Other Members of the Air Force
Hoheitszeichen am Kraftwagen für die übrigen Angehörigen der Luftwaffe

[Other Members of the Air Force (Third Reich, Germany)]
Image by Jaume Ollé

A blue pennant with a white flying (Luftwaffe-type) eagle carrying a swastika in its talons.
Norman Martin, March 1998

German Airforce (Luftwaffe) units until 1945

[German Airforce (Luftwaffe) units until 1945]    [German Airforce (Luftwaffe) units until 1945] Images sent by Albert Kirsch, 6 Aug 2006

The attached images were sent to me for identification; the sender did not make it clear whether these were two flags or obverse and reverse of one (which I suspect). She said they were from the Battle of the Bulge. I gather they are regimental colors of some sort, but have no other knowledge of this sort of thing. Can anyone help?
Albert Kirsch, 6 Aug 2006

The pictures show both sides of the regimental colors of  German Airforce (Luftwaffe) units until 1945.
Jörg M. Karaschewski, 6 Aug 2006

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