See also:


[horizontal bands, yellow, orange, red]
image by Marc Pasquin, 6 January 2007

In the BBC comedy series "Yes, Minister", a fictional nation called Brawandi was involved, located just south of Nigeria. Its flag was a horizontal tricolour, red over orange over yellow. I assume that this flag, like the state, is fictional, but I thought I'd check.
Thomas Robinson, 7 July 1999

Yes, it is fictitional (that episode, BTW, is hilarious), and always was. IIRC, I reported this flag to FOTW a long time ago, but if my memory serves me well (and my notes are not utterly wrong), the flag was not red-orange-yellow, but yellow-orange-red.
Phil Nelson, 8 July 1999

The country which featured in Yes Minister was in fact named Buranda as can be seen here
Jason Saber, 21 November 2006

In this screen capture here, the flag that is shown flying above a jet. It appears to be a horizontal triband of yellow at the top, orange in the middle and brown at the base. I do think the bottom stripe is brown rather than red as some of your correspondents have suggested but a somewhat unlikely African colour scheme I think!

This screen capture here is taken from a news report in the episode in question stating that a coup has occurred in the African state. A map is shown depicting the location of the fictional state.
Jason Saber, 9 December 2006

The lower stripe seem to be a tad thicker than the other 2.
Marc Pasquin, 9 January 2007

Note that the map in the episode disagrees with the location shown in the books based on the series, which place it very close to where Ghana actually is.
James Dignan, 10 January 2007

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