See also:


Frozen is a 2013 Disney film. The story was set in the fictional Kingdom of Arendelle.
Miles Li, 28 November 2014


There is a book called "The Art of Frozen" by Charles Solomon (ISBN 9781452117164) featuring numerous artworks done for the movie, including a half-page (titled "Coronation Graphics") on the flags and emblems of the fictional Kingdom of Arendelle in which the story was set. (Image)

What is of interest to vexillology is how the designer even specified the purpose of each flag: (clockwise from left) Profile Banner, Royal Standard, Elsa's Crowd Flag, Elsa's Royal Banner, Bunting, National Flag, Shield.
Miles Li, 28 November 2014

Here are five flags from the movie. The majority are from the book that Miles Li mentioned. All of them feature the dark blue and dark green that seem to be the national colors of Arendelle, all with some sort of gold charge on the field. Four of the five flags feature a gold flower, presumably some sort of national flower that's associated with the kingdom, but never actually explained in the movie or other official text.
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

Elsa's Crowd Flag

[Elsa's crowd flag.]
image by Randy Young, 16 December 2015

This flag is listed in the book as "Elsa's crowd flag," and was presumably waved by the citizens of Arendelle that crowded around the palace during her coronation as queen. The flag is roughly 1:2 and swallow-tailed. The field from the hoist to a point halfway to the cut of the swallowtail is divided vertically with a dark blue toward the hoist and dark green throughout the rest of the flag. Centered on the vertical divide is a gold flower.
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

National Flag

[National flag.]
image by Randy Young, 16 December 2015

This flag is listed in the book as Arendelle's "national flag." This flag is square, divided vertically in the center, dark blue toward the hoist and dark green on the fly, with the gold flower (including stem) centered on the divide. The fly consists of a serrated edge of seven "teeth" alternating dark green and dark blue.
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

[National flag, variant.]
image by Randy Young, 16 December 2015

This flag is listed in the book as a variant of Arendelle's "national flag." In fact, the only difference between the two is the lack of a serrated fly on this one. This raises a couple questions that were never addressed in the movie or in the book. First, since the serrated fly seems to be optional, is that simply the Arendelle version of a fringe? And secondly, what is the difference in usage between the "crowd flag" and the "national flag?" Would the former perhaps be considered Arendelle's civil flag while the latter is the state flag?
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

Royal Standard

[Royal standard.]
image by Randy Young, 16 December 2015

This flag is labeled as Arendelle's "royal standard" in the book. It appears to be a more ornate version of the "national flag"/state flag listed above. The proportions are closer to 6:7, dark blue in the first third from the hoist and dark green through the remaining two-thirds of the field, with a serrated fly again, though this time with 13 teeth alternating green and blue. The same gold flower appears as from the swallow-tailed "crowd flag"/civil flag, but with some rather ornate golden scroll work around it like a wreath.
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

Profile Banner

[Profile banner.]
image by Randy Young,
16 December 2015

This is described in the artwork book as the "profile banner." From its appearance and usage in the movie, it's less a flag than a decoration. Several of these banners, in the national colors of Arendelle and featuring a gold silhouette of Princess (now Queen) Elsa, were hung from the ramparts of the palace during the coronation scenes.
Randy Young, 16 December 2015

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