See also:


"The Day of an American Journalist in 2890", or "La journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890" is a Jules Verne short story (online in French). The piece was originally published in English in the US.
Eugene Ipavec, 16 March 2006

United States of Two Americas

United States of Two Americas
image by Eugene Ipavec and Joseph McMillan, 16 March 2006

In the story N. and S. America have apparently merged into a "United States of Two Americas." The flag is briefly mentioned (French text):

Grâce à cette fortune, Francis Benett a pu bâtir son nouvel hôtel, — colossale construction à quatre façades, mesurant chacune trois kilomètres, et dont le toit s'abrite sous le glorieux pavillon soixante-quinze fois étoilé de la Confédération.
...which translates to:
Thanks to this fortune, Francis Benett could build his new hotel — a colossal construction with four frontages, each one measuring three kilometers, and its roof sheltered under the glorious seventy-five-star-spangled flag of the Confederation.

This could be a plain field with 75 stars, but I think it is supposed to be a 75-star US flag, since "United States" remains in the nation's name, and it is elsewhere mentioned that the capital had until recently been Washington. Also, the piece can be assumed to have pandered to its audience just a little bit.

For the image, horizontal star arrangements turned out rather badly; I used a vertical one, 8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7.
Eugene Ipavec, 16 March 2006

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