See also:



In the 2003-2004 anime series Full Metal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi), the lead character is an alchemical prodigy who is forced by circumstance to enter into the service of the regime of "the State". Rather than being the expected fairly lightweight, juvenile boilerplate adventure, the plot is actually quite deep and serious-minded — lots of political intrigue and moral ambiguity.
Eugene Ipavec, 13 April 2005


[Amestris flag]
Eugene Ipavec, 21 May 2005

I only found the name of the country in online resources; in the series it is always referred to simply as "the State." Culturally and technologically similar to Europe around 1900, it is a vast, sprawling, borderline-ungovernable entity just barely held together by a military dictatorship.

The charge on the flags of is Amestris is a white reptile or dragon. It is used as a badge on military uniforms as well.
Eugene Ipavec, 13 April 2005

The national flag of Amestris can be seen in two scenes, later in the series: Once at a military funeral and again being torn apart by an angry mob. It is plain green with a small version of the white mystery-beastie in the center.
Eugene Ipavec, 21 May 2005

Provincial Military HQ flag

[Provincial Military HQ]
image by Eugene Ipavec,
13 April 2005
The flag of the regime's Provincial Military HQ's is a yellow-bordered green gonfalon charged with a white reptile or dragon. It often appears hanging from the facades of government buildings. (There are four provinces, East, West, North, and South; all the HQ's seem to use the same flag, however).
Eugene Ipavec, 13 April & 21 May 2005

Central Military HQ flag

[Central Military HQ]
image by Eugene Ipavec,
21 May 2005
The Central Military HQ in the capital city uses something very similar to provincial HQ flags, only a bit wider and with the bottom tiered, not pointed.
Eugene Ipavec, 21 May 2005

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