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Voluntary Military Formations of Ukraine

Last modified: 2023-09-16 by martin karner
Keywords: ukraine | azov battalion | volunteer units |
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Since the 2014 intervention in Ukraine by Russian forces and proxy forces (i.e. separatists militias, mainly located in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic) and related conflicts onwards, i.e. Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in February 2014 and the War on Donbass since April 2014, several military formations have appeared.
Starting from demonstrations back in April of 2014 and even before that (particularly in 2001 and 2009, there have been escalating tensions almost permanently.
Now, the military conflicts in the region, have as well seen the emergence of multiple groups, e.g. the Azov Battalion (now a Regiment size Unit), which was incorporated into the "National Guard". Azov was a Special Task Patrol Service of Ukraine.

These units were established by law, enacted on November 7, 2015, reformed on January 1, 2017.

A total of 22 of these Units came into existence:
1. Byrd (Берда)
2. Bogdan (Богдан)
3. Bolgrad (Болград)
4. Vinnytsia Battalion (Батальйон Вінниця)
5. Regiment Dnipro-1 (Полк Дніпро-1)
6. Ivano-Frankivsk Battalion (Батальйон Івано-Франківськ)
7. Kyiv Regiment (Полк Київ)
8. Krivbas Company (Рота Кривбас)
9. Crimea (Крим)
10. Luhansk-1 Battalion (Батальйон Луганськ-1)
11. Lviv Battalion (Батальйон Львів)
12. Mykolaiv Battalion (Батальйон Миколаїв)
13. Peacemaker Regiment (Полк Миротворець)
14. Poltava Battalion (Батальйон Полтава)
15. Svityaz Company (Рота Світязь)
16. Sviatoslav Company (Рота Святослав)
17. Sicheslav Company (Рота Січеслав)
18. Scythian Battalion (Батальйон Скіф)
18. Sumy Company (Рота Суми)
19. Eastern Buildings Company (Рота Східний корпус)
20. Ternopil Company (Рота Тернопіль)
21. Kharkiv Battalion (Батальйон Харків)
22. Kherson Company (Рота Херсон)
23. Chernihiv Company (Рота Чернігів)
24. Storm Battalion (Батальйон Шторм)

1. Azov Battalion (Азов)
2. Harpoon (Гарпун)
3. Donetsk-1 (Донецьк-1)
4. Golden Gate (Золоті ворота)
5. Cascade (Каскад)
6. Kyiv-1 (Київ-1)
7. Kyiv-2 (Київ-2)
8. Kyiv Region (Київщина)
9. Kremenchuk Company (Рота Кременчук)
10. Peaceful (Мирний) (perhaps it's the same as Peacemaker Regiment)
11. January (Січ)
12. Temur (Темур)
13. Kharkiv-1 (Харків-1)
14. Kharkiv-2 (Харків-2)

1. Artemivsk (Артемівськ)
2. Donetsk-2 (Донецьк-2)
3. Poltava region (Полтавщина)
4. St. Mary (Свята Марія)
5. Slobozhanschina (Слобожанщина)
6. Tornado (Торнадо)
7. Fog (Туман)
8. Shakhtar (Шахтарськ)

Source: https://uk.wikipedia.org/

For additional information go to Azov (official website):  https://azov.org.ua/

Esteban Rivera, 28 February 2022

Regarding the types of military Units, these are Patrol Service of the Special Purpose Police of Ukraine, PSMOP (Патрульна служба поліції особливого призначення України, ПСМОП), sometimes referred to as Special Purpose Police Patrol Battalion, BPSMOP. These units were established by law on approval of the Regulations on special police units, enacted on November 7, 2015, reformed on January 1, 2017.

The above was a clear governmental measure to create militias/paramilitary forces in order to support the official government forces.

Now, bear in mind that a total of 22 (other sources mention 24) units in total came into existence, with an additional 14 that were reformed (either incorporated into already existing military Units, or established themselves as newly created ones), and eight were disbanded, bringing the grand total to 44 (other sources mention 46) of these paramilitary units, with 37 (other sources mention 38) incorporated later (2015 afterwards) into the Ukrainian military forces and/or National Guard.

E.g. Azov Battalion was formally established on May 5, 2014 as a volunteer battalion, more formally Voluntary military formations of Ukraine, in Berdyansk as a battalion of the special police patrol service (BPSMOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MIA, on the basis of a decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. On September 17, 2014, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Azov Battalion was reorganized and expanded into the "Special Police Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Azov MIA". On November 11, 2014 the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine signed an order to transfer the Azov Regiment) to the National Guard of Ukraine, followed by its completion to the combat standard of the National Guard brigades. Today, the Azov unit is formally Azov Special Purpose Detachment of the military unit 3057 of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Sources: https://azov.org.ua/pro-nas/
and https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki

In fact, the commemoration first as an alternate "Independence Day Parade" (since independence from the Soviet Union was issued on 24 August 1991, which had been up to that date the traditional independence day parade), a separate parade was starting to be held in memory of those volunteers who fought in the Russo-Ukrainian War of 2014–2015 (or "The war in eastern Ukraine", or "War in Donbas", as it is known locally). This alternate event was first celebrated on August 24, 2019 as "March of Defenders of Ukraine" and called Alternative parade, and derived from the establishment of a new national holiday, the Ukrainian Volunteer Day on March 14, as follows: "Since March 14, 2017, Ukraine is marking Ukrainian Volunteer Day at the state level. On this day in 2014, the first 500 volunteer fighters of the Maidan Self-Defense (Volunteers) arrived at the Novi Petrivtsi training ground to form the first volunteer battalion, and from there went to the East. Volunteers were among the first who defended the country. Together with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they managed to stop the Russian aggressor at the cost of their own lives and health, to mobilize forces in the rear and to arm the army."


Esteban Rivera, 29 March 2022

The concept of "Offensive Guard" is envisioned in the establishment of a (rather temporary) Force, capable of conducting offensive (i.e. "assault") operations, as opposed to the concept of former USSR States (in this case Ukraine) and its military doctrine of "Border Guard" Units, which are based on safeguarding and conducting mainly defensive operations in a given territory. It is based on the Territorial Defense Battalions.
This type of Units is a true paramilitary Unit, in the sense that it is not part of the traditional Armed Forces (i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force and/or Rocket/Missile/Space Force) but rather an "auxiliary" (or paramilitary, parallel to military) Unit (remember that Azov emerged from the Svoboda party, which some may consider as its armed wing, but it is really now integrated into the National Guard). I stress on the concept of "temporary" since the strategy and whole purpose is to recover current invaded territory by Russian forces.
Esteban Rivera, 25 February 2023 (by e-mail)

Azov Battalion

[Azov Battalion flag] image located by Bill Garrison, 28 February 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

Image of a slightly modified ancient German rune Wolfsangel, in black, called "Ідея Нації" (English: Idea of the Nation, IN, written in runic form either as "ꑭ" or ꏢ). It was the Social-National Party of Ukraine's first logo from its inception (1991) until the IX Congress Party held on February 14, 2004, when they changed their name to All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" (see party flag) and also changed their former "IN" into a hand forming a trident with its three fingers
(source: http://www.svoboda.org.ua/pro_partiyu/istoriya)
Notice that the Wolfsangel symbol is black instead of blue. An example of the use of both flags at the same time (party and militia) is seen here: https://www.firstpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/azov1.jpg, source: https://www.firstpost.com/world/russian-military-operation-puts-the-spotlight-on-ukraines-neo-nazis-what-you-need-to-know-about-them-10419921.html
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

A flag with a yellow background with the Wolfsangel rune logo in the middle, in black). It is very common to see this flag among the Azov Battalion/Regiment.
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

The logo featured on early flags and shoulder patch insignia. Image copied from the original, located here:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/72/Emblem_of_the_Azov_Battalion.svg/800px-Emblem_of_the_Azov_Battalion.svg.png, source: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/). This was the emblem when the military formation was a battalion size Unit. It was used from the beginning of the summer of 2014 to the end of the winter of 2015, more specifically from September 17, until August 11, 2015. See https://preview.redd.it/g9scu00r6yn81.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e7d1765caef4671a9e6b54459fa30c56ffe3c7bb for explanation (image archived here).
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

Logo and shoulder patch insignia (image copied from the original, located here: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki, source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Regiment). This was the emblem when the military formation became a Regiment. It has been in use since the beginning of the spring 2015.
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

Pennant with Wolfsangel logo (image cropped from the original located here: https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2022/05/AP20074424743932-e1651659045985.jpg, source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/moscow-israeli-mercenaries-fighting-with-far-right-ukrainian-unit/.
Picture caption reads: "Ukrainian volunteers with the right-wing paramilitary Azov National Corps with their flags demonstrate their strength, during Ukrainian Volunteer Day in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)"
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

[Azov Battalion] image by Esteban Rivera

Pennant with Wolfsangel logo, reversed) (cropped image from the original located here: https://es-la.facebook.com/746036608925056/photos/pcb.1209496905912355/1209495259245853/?type=3&theater, source: https://www.facebook.com/Sean-Eternos-los-Laureles-746036608925056/).
Esteban Rivera, 24 August 2022

Flags with such unusual shapes and various designs, looking as if borrowed from some SF video source (movie, series or game) are frequently used by Ukrainian ultra-rightists.
Tomislav Todorovic, 25 August 2022

Chronological order of insignia

[5 insignia] image located by Esteban Rivera

Description of the insignia (from left to right):
1. Chevron of the partisan unit "Black Corps". It was used until the beginning of summer 2014.
2. Chevron of the "Azov" battalion. It was used from the beginning of the summer of 2014 to the end of the winter of 2015.
3. Chevron of the "Azov" regiment. Used since the beginning of spring 2015.
4. Chevron of the 3rd hundred (company) of the 1st battalion of the "Azov" regiment. It has been used since the winter of 2014/2015.
5. Chevron of the tank battalion of the "Azov" regiment (the unit has its own name – "Kholodny Yar"). It has been in use since spring 2015. (source located by Esteban Rivera)

This type of Unit (Azov) is a true paramilitary Unit, in the sense that it is not part of the traditional Armed Forces (i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force and/or Rocket/Missile/Space Force) but rather an "auxiliary" (or paramilitary, parallel to military) Unit (remember that Azov emerged from the Svoboda party, which some may consider as its armed wing, but it is really now integrated into the National Guard). I stress on the concept of "temporary" since the strategy and whole purpose is to recover current invaded territory by Russian forces (see also here).
Esteban Rivera, 25 February 2023 (by e-mail)

3rd Separate Assault Brigade

image located by Esteban Rivera, 12 September 2023

image located by William Garrison/Esteban Rivera

Caption: "Ukrainian Pres. V. Zelensky holds the flag of a [unidentified] military unit as an officer kisses it, during a commemorative event in Kiev on the occasion of the one year anniversary of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine; Feb. 24, 2023." (source: Times of Israel)
William Garrison, 25 February 2023

This video identifies that this unit color (Boyovyy prapor) belongs to the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, formed in Nov 2022. The unit's name will appear on the reverse of the banner, along with each corner of the flag with their specialty badge (artillery, tankist, logistics, etc). You can see an example of the reverse of the banner here for the 105th Territorial Defense Brigade.
Zachary Harden, 25 February 2023

The obverse of the Battle Banner reads in Ukrainian on top "ЗА УКРАЇНУ " (FOR UKRAINE) and on bottom "ЗА ЇЇ Волю " (By her will), part of the patriotic poem "For Ukraine" (source), and on the reverse, the full name of the Unit, which follows the same pattern as all Battle Flags (also known as Colors or Standards) in the Ukraine Military Forces which are squared in design and measure 130 × 130 cm. (source)

This Unit (3rd Separate Assault Brigade) is part of the Azov Brigade, as stated here: "3 SAB (Separate Assault Battalion) is an Azov unit formed on the basis of the TerrDef volunteer detachment created on February 24, 2022." (source: https://recruiting.ab3.army)
The composition, or Order of Battle, is a combination of Forces from Border Guard, National Guard, and Police Units, of which Azov is assigned as part of the National Guard component in this active military zone (source). The use of combined forces does not mean they are under a specific Force (i.e. Border Guard, National Guard, etc.) but rather, are part of a "Theater of Operations" where a military campaign is being conducted, in which several Forces are used.

Esteban Rivera, 26 February 2023 (by e-mail)


image located byWilliam Garrison/Esteban Rivera

In the video of the ceremony, provided by Zachary Harden, one can see (from 23:58 onwards) a kneeling soldier receiving the flag, featuring in his uniform a shoulder patch insignia of the Azov Brigade. Hence indicating that this Unit is related to the Azov Brigade. Notice that this Unit's shoulder patch insignia is derived from that of Azov Brigade's current shoulder patch insignia (also on this page above). This Unit was previously known as Azov Special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Azov SSO. This is part of a much wider military strategy called "Offensive Guard" in which the key objective is restoring the military capabilities of this Brigade, along with a current expansion via a recruiting campaign by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose purpose is to form new Assault Brigades as part of the National Guard, Police and Border Guard, which will liberate all occupied territories (which are: Sevastopol, Crimea and the Donbass Region (comprising Lugansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic as determined by the Supreme Council of Ukraine, the country's unicameral Parliament, on April 15, 2014 and its accompanying legislation).
Esteban Rivera, 25 February 2023

Flags in use

[Georgian National Legion flag] image located by Esteban Rivera

Flags of different factions that were involved in the fighting) (cropped image from the original located here:
https://georgianlegion.com.ua/images/novyny/1917000_1664205160486286_2818795244783449221_n.jpg, source: https://georgianlegion.com.ua/novini/631-vidkrittya-pam-yatnogo-znaku-na-chest-zagiblikh-dobrovoltsiv-foto-video).
From right to left, I can locate 12 poles, but cannot identify all the flags:
1. Azov
2. Ukrainian National Self-Defence
3. Two flags in the same pole (cannot identify either of them, thus these are two UFEs)
4. OUN
5. Ukraine
6.-12. Imperceptible

The original news report reads: (translated):


On December 19, a memorial sign in honor of all the fallen volunteers of the Russian-Ukrainian war was erected on the Dobrovolets Park Alley in the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv. The flags of all volunteer battalions participating in this war were raised on 6-meter flagpoles nearby. These flags will remain there forever, so that people will remember those people who did not hesitate to leave peaceful life and stand up for Ukraine. Among the flags that are now flying there is the flag of our Georgian National Legion."
This is dated December 19, 2015, although by late 2014 there were already some display of unit flags
Sources: https://m.facebook.com/ps.kyiv/posts/1529329597333893 and

Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxuRBvq9ov0 

Esteban Rivera, 28 February 2022

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